Quick Engine Changeover to support the Exchange Service Option
Brisbane Aero offers Quick Engine Changeover – Firewall Forward which can ensure your aircraft back in the air with minimal downtime and less disruption to your income capability.
- Customer has the option of factory new cylinder replacements or cylinders overhauled by BAE
- Crankcases are line bored, stress relieved and certified.
- New engine hoses and engine mounts (on most models) are installed
- All accessories are overhauled or replaced – tested and certified
- New baffle seals are installed
- All external hardware is re-cadmium plated
- We offer rebuilt exhaust’s/exchange OHC engine mount frames (where applicable)
- Your new engine is shipped direct to the maintenance organization ready with all hoses, baffles and mounting frame attached and Ready to Simply Bolt to Your Aircrafts’ Firewall